Our shameless self-promotion page: news and opinions related to our work in the coffeelands deemed fit to print by mainstream media or industry press.
(This list does not include dozens of original Coffeelands posts reprinted each year in Daily Coffee News, a service of Roast Magazine.)
The race to save coffee
The Washington Post
October 2017
This article on climate change adaption in coffee features a quote from CRS Regional Technical Advisor for Coffee and Cocoa, Dr. Kraig Kraft. Kraig highlights the importance of considering affordability of new technologies for smallholder farmers.
The Path to Distinction: Nurturing Separation in Nariño
Roast Magazine
July/August 2016
This feature by Coffeelands Program Director Michael Sheridan traces the development of the coffee sector in Nariño, Colombia, through successive waves of separation, and reflects on the role of the CRS Borderlands Project in helping to catalyze the most recent of these efforts.
Farmworker Inclusion: A New Sustainability Frontier in Specialty Coffee
Daily Coffee News
July 2016
This feature in Daily Coffee News by Coffeelands Program Director Michael Sheridan makes the case for more intentional engagement with farmworkers in the coffee sector and explains what the SCAA is doing to foster farmworker inclusion through the Sustainability Council’s newest committee.
Coffee and Climate: The Development Imperative for Smallholders
June 2016
Coffeelands Program Director Michael Sheridan is quoted in this article on the challenges climate change poses for coffee.
Slavery and Coffee
Fresh Cup Magazine
June 2016
This feature on modern slavery in the coffee sector by Fresh Cup Magazine Editor Cory Eldridge draws heavily on this Policy Brief on isolated cases of modern slavery in Brazil’s coffee sector and the presentation of its key findings during Re:co Atlanta in April 2016.
Esclavitud en Brasil
El Confidencial
mayo 2016
En esta nota, la corresponsal del diario español El Confidencial en Río de Janiero cita el informe publicado por CRS y nuestros colegas en Repórter Brasil sobre casos aislados en el sector cafetero brasileño de lo que Brasil caracteriza como “condiciones análogas a la esclavitud”.
Denunciadas situações de “escravatura” em fazendas de café no Brasil
RTP Notícias (Lusa)
abril 2016
The website of Portugal’s public broadcasting company RTP Notícias carried this story by the Portuguese news service Lusa on the report CRS published together with its partner Repórter Brasil on labor conditions in Brazil’s coffee sector, including a small number of cases of modern slavery. (so disponível no português)
Este es el sabor amargo del café brasileño
abril 2016
VICE News en español relata aquí los hallazgos principales del informe publicado conjuntamente por CRS y Repórter Brasil sobre las condiciones laborales en el sector cafetero brasileño, con enfoque en un número limitado de casos de trabajo esclavo.
The Cost of a Coffee
Justice Magazine
February 2016
This article on modern slavery in Brazil’s coffee sector, written by CRS, appeared in the Winter 2016 issue of Justice Magazine, a Catholic social justice quarterly based in the UK.
Coffee Break Questions
“Coffee Break Questions” with Coffee Bird
January 2016
Coffee Bird is the London-based coffee-sourcing operation of Marta Dalton, a sixth-generation grower with deep roots in the coffee sectors of El Salvador and Guatemala. She recently started a new conversation series called “Coffee Break Questions.” We were honored that her first conversation was with Coffeelands Program Director Michael Sheridan.
El Salvador’s Coffee Industry at a Crossroads
Daily Coffee News
January 2016
CRS Blue Harvest Project Manager Maren Barbee is quoted in this article in Daily Coffee News about the alarming rate at which farmers in El Salvador (and other countries in Central America) are reducing the area they devote to coffee or abandoning the crop altogether.
Farmworkers in Coffee
Roast Magazine
January/February 2016
“Farmworkers in Coffee: Improving Conditions for the Industry’s Most Vulnerable Players” calls attention to a large and largely overlooked population in specialty coffee supply chains—farmworkers. It argues that more proactive engagement with farm labor issues in coffee can be good for business, improve compliance, mitigate brand risk and expand the coffee’s promise of social impact. The article was written by Coffeelands Program Director Michael Sheridan and published in the January/February issue of Roast Magazine, whose editors have kindly granted permission for us to make the full text of the article available here.
“Best-of-2015” Lists
Daily Coffee News
December 2015/January 2016
Coffeelands authors were featured in each of the four “Best of 2015” content reviews published by Daily Coffee News: one focus on “origin issues,” another on coffee opinion columns, a third on innovations in coffee trading and a final article on sensory analysis.
2015 Brought Innumerable Troubles to the World’s Coffee Farmers. This article, which amounts of a best-of list for Daily Coffee News origin content for 2015, featured 29 articles DCN editors considered the year’s best, among them 11 contributed by Coffeelands authors. Our contributions covered a wide range of topics, including these: mythbusting commonly held beliefs about farmworkers in coffee, suggestions about how to use information about modern-day slavery in Brasil’s coffeelands, sober analysis of the prospects for the next generation of coffee farmers, side-selling, price volatility, International Coffee Day observations and our new Coffeelands Program.
15 of Our Best Coffee Columns of 2015. This article features five columns contributed by Coffeelands authors. Our contributions covered a wide range of topics, including B Corp Certification, coffee breeding, farmworkers in coffee, questions about “sustainable” coffee, and women in sustainability.
There Really Were Some Interesting Developments in Coffee Trading This Year. Finally, this article on DCN’s best articles in 2015 featured two Coffeelands contributions, one on costs-of-production and another on communications around trading models.
Changing Tastes: Coffee Sensory Analysis in 2015. This article referenced six stories in sensory analysis from 2015, including this post by Coffeelands staff on how three variables—genotype, environment and management—affect cup quality.
Fighting Slave Labor in the Food Supply Chain
December 2015
This outstanding article in Eater explores the content and context of the Business Supply Chain Transparency Act on Trafficking and Slavery, currently in committee in Congress. The author told us he first learned about the legislation here—legislation that would require companies with more than $100 million in annual revenues to disclose on an annual basis the policies, practices and programs they have in place to identify and remediate risks of trafficking and slavery in their supply chains. He quotes Coffeelands Program Director Michael Sheridan in assessing the risks latent in coffee supply chains.
Princeton University Alumni Profile
Office of Sustainability
October 2015
The Office of Sustainability at Princeton University published this conversation with Coffeelands Program Director Michael Sheridan (MPA ’02) its ongoing series of alumni profiles.
CRS Unveils Coffeelands Program.
Daily Coffee News
October 2015
Daily Coffee News Editor Nick Brown profiles the new three-year, $4.5-million CRS Coffeelands Program and interviews its Director Michael Sheridan about the program’s origins, vision and goals.
Castillo or Caturra? A Simple Question.
The Specialty Coffee Chronicle
August 2015
This article by Borderlands Coffee Project Director Michael Sheridan in The Specialty Coffee Chronicle presents the results of the Colombia Sensory Trial and explores their implications for coffee growers, buyers and policymakers. It includes the results of cupping panels that evaluated Castillo and Caturra samples using the Q protocol and the results of sensory analysis of those same samples using the WCR Lexicon.
Capital Social Estratégico
Al Grano
julio de 2015
Esta entrevista con Borderlands Coffee Project Director Michael Sheridan—disponible únicamente en español—que aparece en el número 27 de “Al Grano”, una publicación de la Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia, explora los diversos aportes de la Federación a la caficultura a nivel mundial.
Revival of Haiti’s withered coffee industry would boost rural livelihoods
The Seattle Times
January 2015
Ángel González interviews CRS staff members Ludger Jean-Simon and Hans Fly regarding their work to help revitalize Haiti’s coffee sector in this article, the final installment in a three-part series by The Seattle Times on the country’s shaky recovery from the catastrophic earthquake five years ago.
Guardians of the Future
Tea & Coffee Trade Journal
September 2014
This article in the September issue of Tea & Coffee Trade Journal writer Rachel Northrup includes an interview with the Borderlands Coffee Project Manager in Colombia, Andrés Montenegro, as part of its profile of our contribution to one extraordinary local effort to turn today’s students into tomorrow’s coffee farmers.
Sensory Trials: Evaluating Castillo & Caturra
Tea & Coffee Trade Journal
September 2014
Tea & Coffee Trade Journal also featured this profile of the CRS partnership with World Coffee Research on the Colombia Sensory Trial in the September installment of its ongoing “Sustaining the Chain” feature.
10 Minutes with Michael Sheridan
Barista Magazine
September 2014
Barista Magazine publishes a series of interviews with coffee people on its blog under the “10 Minutes with…” header. As the title suggests, this installment features a brief conversation with CRS coffee person Michael Sheridan.
Rust Devastates Guatemala’s Prime Coffee Crop and its Farmers
July 2014
This story on the NPR food program The Salt features commentary by Daniel McQuillan, who leads a coffee leaf rust recovery initiative with
Castillo vs. Caturra: The Gavel Has Sounded for the Colombia Sensory Trial
Daily Coffee News
July 2014
Daily Coffee News is the daily online news service of Roast Magazine. In July, its Editor Nick Brown published this interview with CRS Coffee Advisor Michael Sheridan on the Colombia Sensory Trial, a partnership between CRS and World Coffee Research to evaluate two leading coffee varieties in Colombia.
Farmworkers: The Coffee Industry’s Ethical Blight and a PR Disaster in Waiting
Daily Coffee News
April 2014
Daily Coffee News Editor Nick Brown published this story after he attended a panel discussion on farmworkers in coffee at the 2014 SCAA Expo that featured participation by representatives of Fair Trade USA, United Farm Workers, Union Hand-Roasted Coffee and a Brazilian coffee farmworker organization and facilitation by CRS.
למה לקפה נמאס?
July 2013
CRS Borderlands Coffee Project Director Michael Sheridan is quoted, along with leading coffee scientists Tim Schilling of World Coffee Research, Aaron Davis of Kew Royal Botanic Gardens and Peter Baker of CABI, in this article in the Israeli financial daily Calcalist on the impacts of climate change on coffee (available only in Hebrew).
Beyond the Quality of the Water in Your Cup: Coffee and Water Resources at Origin
The Specialty Coffee Chronicle
July 2013
CRS Water Resources Advisory Paul Hicks and Borderlands Coffee Director Michael Sheridan teamed up with PhD researcher Andrew Stubblefield and Atlantic Specialty Coffee Trader Adam Kline to publish this article on leading challenges to water resource conservation in the coffeelands and leading actions roasters can take to improve industry performance in this area.
Single-Serve Coffee Revolution Brews Industry Change
The Seattle Times
February 2014
Borderlands Coffee Director Michael Sheridan is quoted in this article in The Seattle Times on the impact of single-serve coffee pods at origin.
First Review of Fair Trade Pilot Project is Mixed
Fresh Cup Magazine
January 2013
Fresh Cup Magazine continues its coverage of the Fair Trade for All pilots with this update on the pilot project in Colombia, featuring CRS recommendations for how to improve FT4All and comments by Borderlands Coffee Project Director Michael Sheridan.
The Brawl Over Fair Trade Coffee
The Nation
September 2012
The Nation magazine has been providing a progressive take on America’s business every week since the Civil War. In this article in is 10 Sept 2012 issue on the split in the Fair Trade movement, it cites several posts to this blog and quotes Borderlands Coffee Project Director Michael Sheridan.
Changes in the Fair Trade movement
May 2012
Borderlands Coffee Project Director Michael Sheridan contributes a CRS perspective to this excellent discussion between Fair Trade USA CEO Paul Rice and Fairtrade Canada Communications Director Michael Zelmer on the CBC program The Current.
Addressing Hunger in the Coffeelands
The Specialty Coffee Chronicle
April 2012
The Specialty Coffee Chronicle published this examination of the causes and cures of seasonal hunger in the coffeelands, written by Borderlands Coffee Project Director Michael Sheridan and based on our experience working to promote sustainable livelihoods in coffee communities.
Fair trade lite: Fair Trade USA moves away from worker co-ops
December 2011
This article in the pioneering non-profit environmental blog Grist relies heavily on interviews Borderlands Coffee Project Director Michael Sheridan conducted with FTUSA CEO Paul Rice and CLAC President Merling Preza.
Central America coffee land to shrink as globe warms
May 2010
A Reuters article about our CUP climate change project that quotes our partners at CIAT, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and the Juan Ana Coffee project in San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala.