With apologies for the delay: Counter Culture Coffee has published the full report from its groundbreaking study “The Social Impact of Microlots.”
Milestones and more related content from the CRS Coffeelands Blog:
- November 2010. Counter Culture Coffee Director Peter Giuliano discusses the potential perils of microlots with Matt Earley of Just Coffee, a Fair Trade roasting cooperative in Madison.
- May 2011. Counter Culture commissions research into the social impact of microlots in its supply chain.
- January/February 2012. Unaware of the Counter Culture initiative, CRS advocates for more research at origin into the returns to smallholder farmers of investments in coffee quality.
- 21 April 2012. Counter Culture releases its study The Social Impact of Microlots and presents it to 2012 SCAA Expo audience. The report cites at length both of the CRS Coffeelands Blog discussions mentioned above. CRS publishes this interview with Counter Culture Sustainability Manager Kim Elena Ionescu, who directed the study, and this review of the report.